LIPO and BBL go well with each other


Lipo and BBL are go very well with each other

Traditional Liposuction (LIPO) and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) are plastic surgeries that supplement each other. If you have a longing to change the shape of your body completely, the two plastic surgeries are the way to go. The two are done at the same time to makeover your body figure to make you happy. 

Assuming you want to have a few fat deposits but you don’t want them removed while undergoing the LIPO procedure, the fat can be relocated to another part of the body. Fat can be transferred from the stomach, thighs, upper arms, and hips to an area of your choice during BBL treatment. The butt is a common choice for the relocation of body fat deposits. On completing the two processes, you will have the magnificent butt you have always desired and a proportional body.  Here are some of the reasons why LIPO and BBL work together in complementary cosmetic surgery procedures

The Timing Is Right for Both LIPO and BBL 

Complete body sculpting requires time to thoroughly do away with the unwanted fat through the LIPO procedure done by a seasoned plastic surgeon. It is, therefore, necessary to dedicate some more time focusing on the buttocks to get the coveted shape.

The process can be liked to backside augmentation, but in this case, personal fat is used instead of saline, which is used in breast implants.  It is a natural way of getting the shape you have desired that no amount of bodily exercise will help. Doing LIPO and BBL is crucial in shaping the whole body. 

Advanced butt lifting technology 

Traditional means of butt lifting were a complicated procedure, but LIPO and BBL technologies make it easy. The process is executed in a closed-loop system which means that body fat removed from a given part is moved to another. The closed-loop fat transfer process ensures that fat is not contaminated because it goes directly to the buttocks in a few minutes. It is a significant advancement making LIPO and BBL natural companions to use simultaneously. 

Buttocks won’t shrink.

 Fat transferred to the buttock area is not exposed to air, making it have a better retention rate. In traditional procedures, buttocks would shrink due to the low retention rate, but in LIPO and BBL, the take rate is relatively high. The newly gained buttocks will stay voluminous, rhyming you with the lyrics of the song bootylicious by Beyonce.

Would you like to discover how LIPO and BBL can transform your body figure? Undergoing the two is the answer to getting the desired shape and figure. Purpose of having BBL and LIPO done on you, you will feel great showing off your curves.

Want to learn more? Visit Dr. Mowlavi at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute

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